Solutions for shot blasting plants

Penta would like to propose its clients the most various ranges of solutions that can satisfy any production need and request both for handling systems and for second treatments processes.
The secondary treatments of the products are those processes that allow customers to enlarge and expand the range of products presented to the reference market. Any secondary treatment adds value to the standard product and it's what males your product different from your competitors. 

Penta will be glad to study secondary treatment working areas where all the possible machines can be installed together so to have mutual in-feed and out-feed equipments working on all the treatments lines at the same time. 
Among the countless solutions we can offer we can desing shot blasting lines that ca be whether installed in brand new plants or integrted in existing systems. Adopting this particular treatment can allow our customers to expand the range of products they can offer the market and therefore differentiates from competitors. 

The shot blasting lines for concrete blocks, pavers, slabs, and kerbs offered by Penta can be completed with handling and stacking systems needed to build the finished packs.